Biel Llinàs (b. Spain, 1994) is a Barcelona-based artist whose trajectory encompasses art creation, research and cultural management. He is especially interested in the relation between the being and built space, understood as a biopolitical terrain where subjective experience, rituals and historical facts intersect. Thus, his practice is based on a critical perspective, combining painting, installation, and photography. His work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions internationally, in places such as: Kulturni Centar Magacin (Belgrade), Casal Solleric (Majorca), Espai Subsòl d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona), Can Timoner (Majorca), Le Beffroi de Montrouge (Paris), Museu de Pollença (Majorca), Centrul de Interes (Cluj), Fabra i Coats Fàbrica de creació (Barcelona) and CCCB (Barcelona) among others.

Biel has been awarded grants and art residencies by Homesession, Belgrade AIR, La Escocesa, Fabra i Coats, Universitat de Barcelona, Art Jove IB and UNZIP. He also developed curatorial projects at Fundació Arranz-Bravo (2018) and Centre d'Art Fabra i Coats (2018). He is a former member of NAAG Collective (Barcelona) and he has recently co-authored different projects with Ada Fuentes, such as Self storage. Estètiques de l’emergència habitacional and Sobre/Sota la Llar.
He holds a BA in Fine Arts (2016) and a MA degree in Cultural Heritage Management and Museology (2018) from the University of Barcelona. Currently, Biel is PhD candidate at the UB Fine Arts faculty.